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(Article) Every Christian Is A Worshipper

Writer's picture: Joyful City ChurchJoyful City Church

This is a follow-up article to the sermon "We Are 07: We Are God's Worshippers"


No matter what you’re going through. No matter what condition you’re in right now. All because of what Jesus has done through the cross, through faith in Him, you are God’s beloved worshipper! We don’t worship Jesus because of what we can do for Him, but because of all He has done, all He is doing, and all that He will do in and through us!

Worship is for every Christian in every circumstance, because every Christian is a worshipper!

Worship is not something for the qualified to do, it is for the unqualified as well. Worship is for the Christian who feels like they come up short and don’t measure up to God’s expectations. It is for the Christian who is struggling with something they just can’t overcome in their own strength. Worship is for the Christian that feels like a hypocrite to worship God passionately at church, to sing out loud or to lift their hands. Worship is for every Christian in every circumstance, because every Christian is a worshipper!


Worship is so many things, so many awesome things. Worship is how we give God the highest glory and credit. Worship is how we honor God and humble ourselves before Him. Worship is how we call on His name. Worship is how we show God our need and expectation. Worship is an expression of our faith.

Worship is how we show God our need and expectation.

But also, worship is God’s grace to us to help us. It is God’s tool to change us. It is God’s way of letting us know that He is with us where we are, and loves us as we are, despite any present condition so that He can take us to where He is and mold us into who He has destined us to be.


The temptation is to stop worshipping at worst, or to dial down our worship at best, in moments of trial - or, when we feel defeated, when we have failed, or when we feel like hypocrites. But this would be like a sick person not taking their medicine when their fever rages, or like a lost person turning off the GPS when they don’t know which way to go.

Because worship is so important to seeing victory in our lives, it is in the times when it is hardest to worship that we must make every effort to do it...

Worship is a spiritual discipline and weapon from the Lord to help us overcome! When we worship, He fills our praise with His presence! (Psalm 22:3). Because worship is so important to seeing victory in our lives, it is in the times when it is hardest to worship that we must make every effort to do it, because worship is a “sacrifice of praise”, and whenever there is a sacrifice on the altar, God’s fire comes!

Hebrews 13:15 (AMP) Through Him, therefore, let us at all times offer up to God a sacrifice of praise, which is the fruit of lips that thankfully acknowledge and confess and glorify His name.


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