Throwback to the first message of our "We Are" Series. The message was "We Are Loved" and it was about how our identity is determined by God's love for us. In other words, God's love for us determines our value/worth! The mind blowing thing is that God loves us with such a radical love that it could almost be seen as "reckless" to the conventional. The Bible tells us the Good News that even while we were at our "worst" Jesus died for us and loved us with His best! (Romans 5:6-11)
Through the message we looked at how Jesus describes God's love through the parable (Luke 15:11-31) of an amazingly faithful father who loved his sons even when they were at their worst with the same love he would have for them if/when they are at their best! Some may call that kind of love "reckless", we call that kind of love our identity!
This set includes four different designs for your phone, with each design in two different sizes to help fit your phone!
Design 1 / Size A
Design 1 / Size B
Design 2 / Size A
